
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Make your own Quinoa Flour !!! ;)

     Why bother paying high dollar for a Gluten Free alternative when you can do it yourself so simply !? This is not hard at all, and the beauty of it is that you can make the exact amount you need with out any waste or storage concern. This is also a great way to experiment with quinoa flour without buying an entire package, and is less expensive than buying from the grocery.  #WINNING  You can store quinoa flour in an airtight container in the frig for up to 6 months or freezer for 1 year.  Ok, lets get started ~ Rinse 2 cups quinoa through a mesh sieve for at least 1 minute to remove any remaining saponins.  The rinsing and toasting do the same thing: removing the outer saponins on the shell of the seed.  The saponins are what give quinoa the bitter taste, when they aren't removed.  Shake off as much water as possible, then spread on foil lined cake pan and bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes until dry, slightly golden and fragment.  Cool completely.  Place 1/4-1/2 cup in your Magic Bullet and blend to fine powder ( this will only take about 10-15 seconds).  Word on the street is that the small batches in the Magic Bullet makes finer powder than your food processor, and it worked GREAT for me !!!  A 1/4 cup roasted quinoa will yield about 1/3 cup of fine quinoa flour.  Repeat til you have the desired amount of flour you need.  Poof,  you are now the proud owner of DIY Quinoa Flour !!!  Congratulations !!!  Volume wise, you can substitute 1:1 , but this doesn't work with all recipes since the gluten is not there to absorb water and form a network. In many pre-mixed gluten free baking flours, there is added xanthum gum.  You will probably have to do a google search for what recipes you are wanting to experiment with !!!  Happy Baking~ Enjoy  ;)

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