
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Protein Chocolate Avocado Puddin' with Vanilla Almond Frosting

     It's time to get your puddin' on !!!  Oh yeah baby !!!  This is so darn smooth and creamy, you will have a hard time believing it's healthy !!!  This recipe give you 8 servings, each with a scant 2/3 cup pudding, and 2 teaspoons frosting, all for 258 calories, 6.5g net carbs, and 27.5g protein! Bring it  ;)

Ingredients for Frosting~
1 scoop Vanilla Isothority Protein Powder
4 Tablespoons Almond Milk ( 30 cal/cup)
1 Vanilla Almond Quest Bar, torn into small bits

     Mix Protein Powder and 2 Tablespoons Almond Milk, blend well and set in fridge.  Meanwhile, put Quest Bar bits in bowl with remaining 2 Tablespoons Almond and in microwave for 20-30 seconds and stir til smooth, repeat process till fully melted, but will have Almond bits left in bowl.  Cool and combine two bowls together and set in fridge to chill and set up.

Ingredients for Pudding~
1/2 cup reduced fat shredded Coconut, ground in Magic Bullet to powder
12 oz diced Avocado
1 1/2 cup Almond Milk ( 30 cal/cup)
1/2 cup unsweetened Cocoa Callebaut Powder
2 cups 2% Fage Yogurt
1/3 cup Erythritol
3 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder
1 Double Chocolate Chunk Quest Bar, chopped into bits
Dash Cinnamon
Dash Vanilla

     Grind Coconut in Magic Bullet, pour into large mixing bowl.  Put half Avocados and half Milk in Magic Bullet til smoothly blended, pour into mixing bowl, repeat with other half of Avocados and Milk.  Add remaining ingredients to mixing bowl, stir well and divide equally into 8 pudding cups and top each with 2 teaspoons chilled Frosting.  Enjoy  ;)

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