
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Quinoa Crust Turkey Pizza

     I've made Pizza Crust out of Cauliflower and Zucchini... so why not Quinoa... it's a free country ...  :/  And it turned out TERRIFIC !!!  YIPPEE    So the next time you have a pizza hankering, give this crust a whirlie !!!  Caio  ;)

1/2 cup Quinoa
1 cup Water
1 teaspoons LB Jamisons Chicken Base or 1 Chicken Boulion cube
1 egg
3 Tablespoons Egg Whites
Dash Italian Seasonings
Dash Garlic Powder
1/4 cup shredded Parmesan
Pizza Sauce
Sliced Onion
Sliced Mushrooms
Sliced Red and Yellow Bell Peppers
Diced Roasted Turkey
Shredded Parmesan
Shredded Mozzarella
Diced Tomatoes

     Bring the Quinoa, Water and Chicken Boulion to boil, reduce to simmer and cover for 15 minutes or til all the Water is cooked off.  Remove from heat and let sit for another 5-10 minutes.  When cooled, add Italian Seasonings, Garlic, Egg, Egg Whites and 1/4 cup Parmesan and mix thoroughly.  Pat out on Pam coated Pizza Stone and bake at 350 for 20 minutes or til golden brown.  Remove and cover with Pizza Sauce, Onion, Mushrooms, Bell Peppers, Turkey, Cheese and Tomato.  Bake at 425 for 15 minutes, or til cheese is beginning to turn golden.  Remove and Enjoy  ;)

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