
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Chocolate Chunk Coconut Pancakes

      Would you think less of me after confessing I licked the plate clean when I was done....literally had a tear in my eye ... it was kinda traumatic... BEST CHOCOLATE CHUNK COCONUT PANCAKES eva!!!  Gotta remember to get more of this in my life!!!  Rich Chocolate melty chunks of gooey goodness dripping in Maple Syrup while dissolving in your mouth with each bite being better than the last.... are you getting the picture here !!!???  Aaaannnddd.... wait for it ...wait for it ...only 380 calories, 7g net carbs and 56g of protein!!!  YES FIFTY SIX GRAMS OF PROTEIN!!!  Can you give me one reason you won't be making this today!!!???

1 Double Chunk Chocolate Quest Bar, chopped into tiny bits
1/3 cup Egg Whites
2 Tablespoons Erythritol
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
Dash Vanilla

     After chopping Quest Bar into tiny bits, set aside.  Whip Egg Whites, Protein Powder, Chia&Flax Seed, Erythritol, Baking Powder, Cinnamon, and Vanilla in Magic Bullet til thick and fluffy.  Spray pan with Pam and pour a 1/4 cup batter into skillet and lay a 1/3 of Quest Chunks on top of batter and push down slightly, flip and cook other side til golden brown.  Repeat 2 more times til batter and chunks are completely used up.  Stack and top with Syrup.  Enjoy to your hearts desire  ;)

For 10 dollars off your first 30 dollar order at click on

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