
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Almond Lemon Custard Pie

     My husband took me on a romantic get away last Fall to Eureka Springs, Arkansas ( you just gotta check out Treehouse Cottages), and one of the high lights of the trip was our afternoon stroll thru the Village.  Boutique lined lanes covered the rolling streets filled with quaint little shops, every specialty store you can imagine.  Of course there was plenty of jelly to sample, that goes with out saying, but my favorite charming candy store had these lemon covered almonds that the owner enthusiastically said were her favorite.  I was skeptical of her judgment, especially with all the choices available, but I reluctantly sampled her offering and much to my surprise, I fell in love with the Almond Lemon combo.  I will be a forever fan, and found myself reminiscing of leaves falling from vibrant colored trees with every bite of my Custard Pie.  The entire Pie is 392 calories, 15g net carbs, and 44g protein, and is intended to be shared... good luck with that ...  ;)

1 Vanilla Almond Crunch Quest Bar
1/4 cup Swerve Granular Erythritol
Juice of medium Lemon
1 scoop of Whipped Vanilla Cellucor Protein Powder
5.3oz 100 calorie Yoplait Greek Lemon Yogurt
Dash Cinnamon
Dash Vanilla
1 teaspoon Sliced Almonds
Zest of Lemon

     Microwave unwrapped Quest Bar for 15 seconds and press into Pam coated 4-6 inch shallow tart tin, bake at 350 for 5 minutes.  Remove and cool.  While cooling, stir together Erythritol, Lemon Juice, Protein Powder, Yogurt, Cinnamon and Vanilla til smooth, or whip in Magic Bullet.  Remove cooled crust from pan and fill with Lemon Custard mixture.  Top with Sliced Almonds and sprinkle with Lemon Zest.  Enjoy  ;)

For 10 dollars off your first 30 dollar order at click

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