
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fresh Guacomole'

     Every time I step foot into Whole Foods I find myself making an eager bee line to the Guacamole' samples, ... I'm sure I look like my dog when she hears the word "treat", ... let's just say I don't waste time ...!!!  As time passed, Riley came to learn the word "treat", so we had to start spelling it in front of her~T.R.E.A.T.!!!  But guess what, ... SHE LEARNED TO SPELL!!!  Anyhoo, I share her same enthusiasm when it comes to peeled avocados mixed with tomatoes, lime and onion!!! And,  if you dare spell G.U.A.C.A.M.O.L.E. in front of me you may just see my ears perk up and I might start doing figure eights in the living room!!!  Given this reaction is frowned upon in the produce department, I have come to stock up on supplies and create my own recipe to enjoy in the safety of my own home!!!  Bow "WOW" this stuff is dogalicious!!!  ;)

1 large Roma Tomato, diced and drained on paper towel
3 large Avocados, peeled and diced
2 Tablespoons Light Vegenaise or Mayonaise
2 Tablespoons Lime Juice
1 Tablespoon Dried Onions, or 2 Tablespoons finely chopped Onion
Dash Garlic Powder
Dash Sriracha, to taste
Dash Light Salt, to taste

     Let your diced Roma Tomatoes drain on paper towel as long as possible, set aside.  When ready, peel, dice and mash Avocado's in mixing bowl, add remainder of ingredients and stir in tomatoes.  Be ready for Superbowl Season and enjoy on Taco's, Chip's or straight from the spoon  ;)

Disclaimer: I am a Whole Foods Market Blogger Ambassador and this post was inspired by their monthly themes and gift cards received to purchase ingredients for posts of my choosing. I am not compensated by Whole Foods Market for my blog posts and am free to post whatever I see fit to my own blog. 


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