
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Guilt Free Potato Salad

     The next cook out you attend you should volunteer to bring Guilt Free Potato Salad and party like it's 1999!  Enjoy socialization without worrying about derailing your healthy habits!  Prepare for a large guest list because this recipe makes 10 cups, and each 1/2 cup serving is only 70 calories, 9.7g net carbs, and 1.2g protein.  Time to start putting together your menu for summer fun  :)

Ingredients for 20 servings, 1/2 cup each~
2.5 pounds of small Baby Golden Potatoes
8 Midget Sweet Pickles, chopped
1/3 cup diced Green Onion
4 stalks Celery, diced
Dash Salt
Dash Pepper
Dash Garlic Powder
1/2 cup Walden Farms Amazin' Mayo
1-2 Tablespoons Stone Ground Mustard, depending on taste
1/4 cup Mayo

     Boil Potatoes for 25-30 minutes til fork tender, drain and chop into small pieces.  Add to bowl along with diced Sweet Pickles, diced Green Onions, diced Celery, Salt, Pepper and Garlic.  Top with Walden Farms Amazin' Mayo, Mustard and regular Mayo and stir til well combined.  Enjoy  :)

For 10 dollars off your first 30 dollar order at click

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