
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Tuna Taragon Farfalle Pasta Salad

     Who doesn't love Pasta!?  I do!  I just don't love all the the extra carbs!  So, what's a girl to do...whelp, I'll tell ya ...reduce the Pasta portion serving size, add extra protein and veggies to your meal, and look for the healthiest Pasta available!  And then, enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!  This dish makes 7 hearty cups, each cup servings is only 274 calories, 21.5g net carbs, and 27.5g protein.  I serve mine over a bed of mixed greens to make the perfectly balanced meal (macros don't include mixed greens).  Enjoy  :)

Ingredients for 7 servings~
7oz Farfalle Pasta, cooked al dente'
24oz can Tuna packed in water
12oz Edamame, cooked and cooled
1 Red Bell Pepper, diced
3oz shredded Carrots
4 Green Onions, diced
1/3 cup Light Mayo
1/3 cup Walden Farms Amazin Mayo
1 teaspoon Taragon
Dash Salt and Pepper to taste

     In large bowl put cooked Farfalle, Tuna, cooked Edamame, diced Bell Pepper, Carrots, and Onion, set aside.  In small bowl combine Mayo's and Taragon, pour over Pasta mix and toss to coat thoroughly.  Season with Salt and Pepper as desired.  Enjoy  :)

For 10 dollars off your first 30 dollar order at click

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