
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Cookies&Cream Fudge

     Thank you Quest for the new great Cookies&Cream Protein Powder, now the world has healthy happy protein fudge as a result (you're welcome)!!!  The birth of Cookies&Cream Fudge will put a smile on your face and satisfaction in your belly.  Each of the six hearty servings has 201 calories, 2.8g net carbs, and 18g protein.  This can only mean one thing, ... ''Fudge for breakfast'' is my new mantra.  ;)

Ingredients for 6 servings~
1/4 cup White Chocolate Sweet Spreads
1/2 cup 35 cal/cup So Delicious Cashew Milk
4 scoops Quest Cookies&Cream Protein Powder
1/4 cup Swerve Granular Erythritol
Dash Cinnamon
Dash Vanilla
1 Quest Cookies&Cream Protein Bar, diced into small pieces

     Soften Sweet Spreads, stir in Cashew Milk til thoroughly combined.  Blend in Protein Powder, Erythritol, Cinnamon and Vanilla and pour mixture into parchment paper lined loaf pan.  Sprinkle top with diced Cookies&Cream Protein Bar and press down gently, chill over night.  Enjoy  ;)

For 10 dollars off your first 30 dollar order at click


  1. could you recommend a substitute for the sweet spreads? they are unavailable in canada

  2. You bet, thanks for the great question! I have found that Coconut Oil is a GREAT sub for Sweet Spreads! Let me know how it turns out! :)
