
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Honey Wild Chicken Brussels and Goat Cheese Salad

     If "earthy" is your thang, then this is one tree hugin' granola eatin' peace lovin' recipe that will light your fire!  And for those purists out there, you will be delighted to know this Salad is served in the "buff", no dressing required (on the salad that is, it's always wise to keep your back side covered)!  You will be amazed how the creamy effect of Whole Foods Goat Cheese (my absolute favorite of all time) negates the need for anything additional in the form of a Dressing.  Each of the 7 hearty serving is only 330 calories, 28g net carbs and 28g protein.  So slip on a flowing flower print dress and strut in your best Birkenstocks on over to Whole Foods and fill your cart with all these tremendous ingredients!  ;)

Ingredients for 7 servings~
1 cup Wild Rice
1 3/4 cup Water
1 teaspoon Chicken Base or 1 Chicken Bouillon
1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 medium Yellow Onion, diced
1 Tablespoon chopped Garlic
Dash Cayenne Pepper
1.5 pounds boneless skinless Chicken Tenders
1 net pound cleaned and cut Brussels Sprouts, ground in food processor
1/4 cup Walnut pieces
1 medium Honeycrisp Apple, diced
6oz Whole Foods Goat Cheese, crumbled
Green Onions, diced for garnish if desired

     Stir Wild Rice, Water, and Chicken Base in pot, bring to simmer and add lid, continue to simmer for 45 minutes, remove from heat and let sit off the heat for at least 5 minutes, set aside.  Meanwhile, bring EVOO to heat in skillet, add Onions, Garlic and Cayenne til golden brown, then add Chicken breaking apart into bite size pieces as Chicken cooks.  Add ground Brussels Sprouts to large bowl making a well in the middle, add diced cooked chicken making another well in the middle, add cooked Wild Rice making another well, add crumbled Goat Cheese to middle and top with chopped Green Onions, for garnish if desired.  Add Walnut pieces to outside ring of Salad and diced Apple to separate Brussels and Chicken.  Enjoy  ;)

Disclaimer: I am a Whole Foods Market Blogger Ambassador and this post was inspired by their monthly themes and gift cards received to purchase ingredients for posts of my choosing. I am not compensated by Whole Foods Market for my blog posts and am free to post whatever I see fit to my own blog. 

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