
Monday, July 18, 2016

Never over eat again!

Wanna know why you overeat!?  If you are like me, you find yourself asking why did I eat so much more often than you would like to admit.  Whelp, thanks to good ol' Dr Oz we now have a clue into the window of over indulgence.  I recently came across a very enlightening article he wrote and I would love to share it with you.  Now you will know why you over eat and what you can do to stop it dead in its tracks:
     If you have a hard time knowing when enough is enough, you know tapping down your hunger is no game.  But there's good news.  New research might help you stop overeating.  We've talked about how being obese interferes with the proper functioning of your appetite-regulating gastrointestinal hormones leptin (I'm satisfied) and ghrelin ("Feed me").  Well, researchers have identified why another appetite-regulating gastro-hormone, uroguanylin, stops doing its job.  Turns out it's not obestiy but overeating (especially carbs and bad fats) that keeps the hormone from telling you it's time to stop taking in calories.  The good news: Uroguanylin production cranks back up when you stop overeating, even before you lose weight.  So:
1) Eliminate processed carbs, bad fats and added sugars and syrups from your diet.  Drink plenty of water.  It helps control hunger.  Stick with lean proteins from skinless poultry and fish.
2) Eat all the vegetables and salad (easy on the dressing) you want.  Toss greens with walnuts, 1/4 avocado, carrots, celery, bell peppers and artichoke hearts (in water).
3) Start a walking routine (headed for 10,000 steps a day).  And sleep 6.5-8 hours nightly; your gut hormones like that alot!
     Start out making a few changes and see if you notice a difference in your Uroguanylin right away!  In good health~paige  :)

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