
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Date Walnut Truffles

     It pays to have friends that are really nice and like to cook!!!  Such is the case with my sweet (and spicy) friend, Elizabeth!!!  She had me for lunch last week and then whipped up a batch of Date Walnut Truffles right before my very eyes!!!  These suckers are super duper easy and super duper DELISH!!!  This recipe makes 19 Truffles, each has 75 calories, 6.6g net carbs and 1.6g protein.  If you have an extra five minutes, then I suggest you zip to the kitchen and start making haste... errr, Truffles!!!  ;)

1 cup pitted Dates
1 cup Vitacost Organic Walnut Halves and Pieces
1/4 cup Vitacost Organic Cacao Powder or Cocoa Powder
Dash Salt, optional

     Soak Walnuts in water for 30 minutes, then drain.  In Food Processor add Date and grind, then add drained Walnuts and continue to process, making sure not to over process or you will end up with Walnut Date Butter!!! :0  Then add Cacao Powder and continue to blend until just incorporated.  Next, scoop batter with small Melon Baller,  roll into firm circle and it should yield 19 Truffles.  Store in fridge ... if there are any left in the time it takes to travel from the counter to the refrigerator...  Enjoy  ;)

For 10 dollars off your first 30 dollar order at click

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