
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Stone Ground Mustard Brussels Sprouts

     When you get together with friends for a pot luck you never know what you will end up eating!  Lucky for me, my friend Kim whipped together these Brussels that were killer good!!!  This is so simple it will blow your mind with amazing flavor!!!  In fact, I want to try this with Broccoli next... cause I'm just a wild woman like that ...  So why don't you take a walk on the "wild side" with me and give this a try as soon as possible!!!  Rock on dude  ;)

Brussels Sprouts
Organic Stone Ground Mustard

     Steam or boil desired amount of Brussels Sprouts til softened, stir in enough Butter to lightly coat, then add enough Mustard to give an additional nice coating.  Stir and Enjoy;)

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