
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Double Chocolate Chunk Confetti Cookies

     Everything is better with a little CONFETTI!!!  Confetti=Party in my book!  You don't need alot, just a tiny bit is enough for a big effect!  So the next time your naked cookie is screaming for cover, grab a few sprinkles and #shakeitup #shakeitup #shakeitup!  This makes 4 colorful cookies, each cookie is only 92 calories, 2.3g net carbs and 5.7g protein.  #partyondude  ;)

1 Quest Double Chocolate Chunk Protein Bar
4 teaspoons Nut Butter
1/2 teaspoon Confetti Sprinkles

     Microwave unwrapped Quest Bar for 10 seconds, divide softened bar into 4 equal pieces, mold into cookie shaped circles and lay on Silpat lined cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 5 minutes.  Remove and cool, when cooled spread each cookie with 1 teaspoon Nut Butter, top with Confetti Sprinkles.  Enjoy  :)

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