
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Triple Layer Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies

     I seriously have no idea how I think of these things, but these Triple Layer Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies came to me last night as I was sleeping.  I sprang from my bed even before my alarm went off, sprinted to the kitchen and  preheated the oven.  Talk about starting your day off on a positive note!  Thirty minutes later it was Cookies for breakfast, ... if this is wrong I don't want to be right!!!  These Cookies have 3 layers of Peanut Butter dough divided by 3 layers of melty Chocolate peeking thru.  Each decadent cookie is only 98 calories, 2.3g net carbs and 7.2g protein.  If you hurry and read the recipe maybe it's not too late for your breakfast too!?  ;)

Ingredients for 3 Cookies~
1 Quest Peanut Butter Supreme Protein Bar
6 Lily's Almond Bar Dark Chocolate Squares
18 Lily's Stevia Sweetened Dark Chocolate Chips

     Divide Quest Peanut Butter Supreme Protein Bar into 9 equal pieces and microwave for 15-20 seconds til softened enough to pat into thin equal circles and lay on Silpat lined cookie sheet.  Lay one Chocolate Square on a Peanut Butter circle, top with another Chocolate Square, then top with another Peanut Butter Circle, press edges together as much as possible.  Repeat with the other 2 sets of cookies.  Bake at 350 for 5 minutes, remove and immediately and use fork tines to secure edges all around the Cookie perimeters.  Top each Cookie with 6 Lily's Chocolate Chips on each Cookie and set back in warm oven for 1-2 minutes til Chips are softened. Remove and Enjoy  ;)

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