
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sweet Potato vs Sweet Potato

     Nothing says celebrate like baked Sweet Potato's!  Like any good matriarch, I picked out the best looking ones in the produce section of my favorite grocery store with loving care.  As I was prepping this morning for the oven, I thought I would just weigh those hearty little devils to decide if I should cut them in half or thirds to make appropriate size servings.  Gently laying the potato on the scale, similar to how I step on my bathroom scales every Friday morning (like it will make a difference in the end result), I stepped backwards with a gasp (similar to the Friday morning ritual that takes place in my bathroom).  Edit update~lean in and listen up, I stopped weighing myself several years ago, …guess what, I’m so much happier and to my knowledge I haven’t gain an ounce, but I did lose the power that the useless number held over my mood.  Smell ya later bathroom scale…however, I still treasure my kitchen scale.  I weigh and measure my food, but not myself!  #growth (pun intended).  I digress, …That innocent tater weighed in at a little over a POUND!!!!  Wwwhhhhaaaa....!?  That's over 400 calories and 100 carbs in one orange fleshed wolf in sheeps clothing waiting to devour me vs the other way around!  Do I want you to have a savory sweet experience on Holidays, ...why yes, yes I do... do I want you to have a pound worth, ...why no, no I don't…unless it’s your main course, of course!  But I do want you to have 3-4 ounces and enjoy it with abandon, along with many other vegetables!  That's what we call a SERVING!!!  Those stats are 75-100 calories and 15-20 carbs and is GOOD FOR YOU!  Loads of fiber, vitamins and minerals, Sweet Potato's are our friend in appropriate doses (just like Uncle Bob).  Then fill your plate with as many colors of the rainbow.  Anddddd, as an added bonus…I have a hot tip on cold Sweet Potatoes~ I chill my baked Sweet Potatoes and serve it as a pre/post work out healthy snack, tastes just like pie!  Red Garnet are my all time favorite!  Enjoy the festivities guilt free by keeping portions in check, and remember sugar is not your friend even on the holidays... (you don’t want the carb police to transport you to the high blood sugar hospital and make you share a room with that fat promoting hormone insulin... and word is they snore😴 ). 

In good health, paige  :)

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