
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Lemon Tarragon Swordfish

     Ok Peeps, listen up!!!  You simply MUST try my Lemon Tarragon Swordfish!!!  This is one of the best things I have EVER eaten!!!  It literally melted in my mouth, ... and I think I know why!  I have a simple secret I'm willing to share (and it has nothing to do with Butter even though it tastes like it does), BRIANNAS Lemon Tarragon + Swordfish = LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!  Head over to Whole Foods and put all your mathematical ingredients in your shopping cart for a perfectly balanced equation!  Then prepare to label this an A+  dinner because for every 6oz serving it is only 206 calories, ZERO carbs and 33.6g protein!!! (PS  BRIANNAS Lemon Tarragon is only 35 calories per 2 Tablespoons, this is definitely my new #1 fave for flavor and STATS!!!)  Fish on hommies  ;)

Ingredients for 4 ~ 6oz servings~
1 1/2 pounds fresh Harpooned Swordfish (net caught is a fine substitute)
2/3 cup BRIANNAS Lemon Tarragon

     Add BRIANNAS Lemon Tarragon and Swordfish to gallon ziplock baggie and marinate for 6-8 hours.  Remove Swordfish and discard marinade, grill to perfection!  I served this with fresh steamed Broccoli and roasted Golden Beets.  Drizzle Swordfish with extra BRIANNAS Lemon Tarragon as a garnish if desired.  Enjoy  ;)

Disclaimer: I am a Whole Foods Market Blogger Ambassador and this post was inspired by their monthly themes and gift cards received to purchase ingredients for posts of my choosing. I am not compensated by Whole Foods Market for my blog posts and am free to post whatever I see fit to my own blog. 

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