Saturday, November 23, 2024

Wild Rice Turkey Soup

Click Here for Video!

     When big occasions come around, it always seems like there are a lot of left overs, especially during the Holidays.  This year I decided to come up with a plan for any extras, and put them to good use!  If you have a bunch of Turkey, or quite frankly any other protein, then turn it into soup and make the party last longer.  This is a super simple one pot meal, and provides 4 generous 3.5 cup servings with only 417 calories, 56g carbs, 8g fiber, 48g net carbs, 30g protein and 7g fat.  Heck you could make it into 6 servings and spread it out further if you prefer.  Before you know it, you will be deciding if your version is even better than the original!😉

Ingredients for 4-6 servings~

1 Tablespoon Olive Oil

1 Tablespoon chopped Garlic

1 diced Onion

1 pound diced Carrots

1 Head diced Celery

8oz sliced fresh Mushrooms

Dash Cayenne Pepper (according to taste)

1 cup Wild Rice (sub with Brown or a mix of Rices)

4 cups Broth

2 cans diced Petite Tomatoes

1 pound diced cooked Turkey (sub with any other Protein)

     Bring Oil, Garlic, Onion, Carrots, Celery, Mushrooms and Cayenne to low heat and cook til Onions are starting to brown and vegetables are softened.  Stir in Rice and pour in Broth and Tomatoes, cook according to Rice directions, when finished stir in Turkey.  Enjoy ☺️ 

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