
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Bountiful Baskets~ Purchase Seasonal Produce for a fraction of the cost !!!

     One of my goals this year was to volunteer more, especially at the Kansas Food Bank, The Lord's Diner and Bountiful Baskets.  Well now, my volunteering has just gotten much easier !!!  If you have not heard about Bountiful Baskets you are in for a great surprise !!!  It is a volunteer driven food co-op out of Idaho, who work together for the mutual benefit, so all who want to participate can have local seasonal produce at rock bottom prices.  BBFC distributes produce baskets, organic produce baskets, artisan bread and sandwich bread every other week.  Standard baskets are always 15 dollars, and you bring your own sack or box to carry it home.  Each time is different produce based on what's in season and best pricing.  The good news is that it is already in Wichita, but the better news ( for me) is that it is now coming to ANDOVER !!!  The first delivery is Friday at 5:45 at Ace Hardware on Andover Road just north of Central.  You have til 10 oclock tonight to pre purchase your basket, and any add on's you would like.  Go to to register, then go to Participate now, click on Kansas, and the drop down of Butler County for Andover or Sedgwick for Wichita, then on the site location click on Ace Hardware.  You can put in a contribution for up to 3 baskets, you have to contribute to one, then you have the choice to add any additional items available.  It looks like cherries tomatoes, blueberries, peaches and more!  Then submit, and follow directions for payment!  So anyone looking for an opportunity for fresh regular or organic produce at wonderful prices, please come and join us and take advantage of this perfect opportunity to feed your family top quality food !!!  In good health~paige  ;)

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