Sunday, January 12, 2025

Cottage Egg Bake


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     When you get a brand new baking pan for Christmas, all you can do is dream of what to put in it!?  #amiright  So I came up with the perfect Cottage Egg Bake that did the pot proud!  And the extra bonus is that this is super simple with minimal ingredients!  And, if that is not enough, this works for breakfast, lunch or dinner!  Each of the 4 servings are only 280 calories, 7g carbs, 2g fiber, 5g net carbs, 25g protein and 13g fat...(did you catch those grams of protein!?).  This is perfect topped with Salsa or served with a side of Asparagus, you can even add or subtract the veggies.  Whatever you do just try it, and don't look back!  ;)

Ingredients for 4 servings~
1 Roma Tomato
6 Jumbo Eggs
16oz container of Cottage Cheese
Handful of diced fresh Broccoli
Handful of diced Orange Bell Pepper
2 diced Green Onions
Seasoning as desired (I use Everything Bagel Spice Seasoning)

     Dice Tomato and drain on paper towel for a couple of hours, set aside.  When ready, add Eggs to mixing bowl and beat til fully incorporated, then blend in remaining ingredients along with Tomatoes, pour into greased baking dish and bake at 350 for an hour, remove and allow to set up for 10 minutes.  If using a shallow baking dish then you may need to reduce your baking time, start checking after 30 minutes to see if the center is set.  Enjoy :)

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