Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sweet Potato Grains and Hummus



  If you like a nice combo of flavors, this is a great opportunity to try out a bouquet of nuances.  Perfect as a side dish, but hearty enough for a main!  Not to mention, this can be done in bulk, and divided up to use all week long.  Definitely worth a try, and would be appropriate any time of year! 😉


2 Sweet Potatoes, diced

2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

3 medium Yellow Onions, diced

1 Tablespoon chopped Garlic

1 cup dry Lentils

1/3 cup dry Qunioa

2/3 cup dry Rice

1 Tablespoon Cumin

Salt, as desired

Pepper, as desired

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1 can Garbanzo Beans

1/4 cup Lemon Juice

1/4 cup Tahini

1 Tablespoon chopped Garlic

Cumin, as desired

     Toss diced Sweet Potato with 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil, bake at 400 for 40 minutes, toss half way thru baking time.  Meanwhile, toss Onion and remaining Tablespoon Olive Oil, add to skillet with Garlic, sauté til golden brown on medium heat, as slow as possible.  Lastly, add three grains to large stock pot with 8 cups water.  Side Note:  feel free to add whatever combination of 2 total cups of the grains if you prefer different ratios.  Bring water to boil, add Lentils, simmer for 15 minutes with lid,  then add Quinoa and Rice and simmer another 15 minutes with lid.  Let rest for 5 minutes, if there is any excess liquid, drain off.  Lastly, stir in Cumin til fully combined, then stir in Onions and Sweet Potatoes. Season as desired with Salt and Pepper.  Serve as is, or top with Hummus.  To make Hummus, drain Garbanzo Beans, reserve 1/3 cup liquid, add Beans and reserved liquid and remaining ingredients to heavy duty blender and whip til smooth.  Enjoy as desired! 😋

Friday, October 13, 2023

Avocado Forever

For full YouTube Video click Here!

     Have you ever found yourself needing just a little bit of Avocado, but you don't have any on hand or what you have is too ripe or too firm!?  It's a conundrum...  Whelp, I have a miracle answer that will make your head spin.  Spoiler alert, ...did you know you can freeze Avocado!?  Yep, it's true.  Try it, and see for yourself, follow along for more details!!!


Ripe Avocado

     Peel, and mash Avocado, and drop in small mounds on wax or parchment paper.  I dropped by 2 Tablespoons portions, which is about 50 calories each.  You can do whatever portions you desired.  Freeze mashed Avocado for about 2 hours, remove, peel off paper, add to freezer zip lock bag and store all mounds in freezer til ready to use.  Great for impromptu Guac, or top a Salad, or spread on a sandwich.  Just let your imagination be your guide.  Enjoy ;)