Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Cosmic Crisp cancels Cravings


Enjoy my YouTube video right here👉🏻 Cosmic Crisp cancels Cravings 👈🏻   

     Do you know when you feel that aura coming on, and the cravings are starting to creep in.  Whelp, I have learned to dial in on it pretty quickly now.  So I have created a treat that works great on my brain, and calms my system immediately.  I cut my new favorite Apple in half, Cosmic Crisp, smear a thin layer of Tahini, and top it with a few Blueberries.  Voila, cravings satisfied for about 100 calories, and I have made a good choice.  This is a situation of good, better, best.  It is much better to have a 100 extra calories in a day in order to ward off a binge coming on.  It’s just good sense.  How do you handle those pesky cravings when they sneak up on you!?  Share your ideas with me, and I will share them with others.  We are all in this together.  In good health, paige ♥️

Fresh Pineapple


                  To see my full video on cutting Pineapple, click on this link 👉🏻 Fresh Pineapple 👈🏻

     I have always been terrified of cutting a Pineapple, and thought it way too much work.  So I didn't…until now!  Once I overcame my misgivings, I decided to make a game out of it and just dig in.  First of all you have to pick the best one…ok, that’s a joke because they are all green.  So find the finest green Pineapple there is and then just sit and stare at it until it turns more of a soft yellow (sometimes a week or two).  When it’s ready, it will turn from rock hard to firm, maybe just a smidgen of give when you press on it.  Lastly you know by smelling the base, it will be a pleasant fruity odor.  Now comes the fun part, it’s time to time yourself.  I can cut and trim in one minute flat.  I lop off the head, slice off the base, then trim off the sides, cut it into quarters, lay each quarter on its side and slice out the spine.  All that’s left is to dice into bite size pieces, which will take another 30 seconds.  So in about 2 minutes you can have a fresh fruit ready to go.  Isn’t it worth it to give it a whirl, sooooo much better than anything canned or frozen.  If you try this let me know, or even film yourself and send it to me, I will share it on my social media channel if you wish.  Watch my full video in the link above!  Can’t wait to hear your stories!  In good health, paige 🍍

Monday, April 24, 2023

Summer Sandwiches

                   Click on the link to see the full video 👉🏻 Summer Sandwiches 👈🏻

     Getting our kids to eat can be exhausting!  When Summertime rolls around, it can add a lot of stress to the day.  So instead of fighting the battle every high noon, I have a fun trick to get them involved, which has proved to increase compliance.  I like to encourage a balanced meal with the addition of single ingredient food to compliment the sandwich.  Think Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Nuts, Avocado, Cheese, Berries, Carrots, Grapes, Broccoli Florets, Cauliflower Florets with Hummus.  If possible avoid the fruit snacks and veggie straws, and lean into the real thing and expose them to a love for fruits and vegetables.🍎

Ingredients for Summer Sandwiches 🥪~
Whole Wheat Bread
Fillings~Peanut Butter, Meat, Avocado, Cheese, All Natural Sugar Free Jelly, Hummus, Lettuce
Cookie Cutters as desired

     Have your kids make their own Sandwich with desired fillings, then let them stamp them out with their favorite cookie cutter.  If they will eat the left overs then great, if not, plan a trip to the park after lunch to feed the ducks.  Enjoy 😉 Edit Update~Please note I have learned that feeding bread to ducks can be harmful,  I apologize for my mis information as well appreciate the helpful new understanding.  

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Traveling Home from Vacation

To see my full video on Traveling Home from Vacation, click on this link 👉🏻 Traveling Home from Vacation 👈🏻

     I talk alot about healthy tips to keep yourself safe while traveling and on vacation, but it doesn't stop there.  One thing I like to bring up is the effort that it takes to get home as well, that is still part of the plan.  So here are my ideas~

Safe Travels Home~

1) Have a plan before you ever leave home, even for the last day of vacation heading homeward.

2) Bring enough food so that there will be what you need on your last day.

3) Design a few recipes that travel well.  For instance, my breakfast was a packet of unsweetened oatmeal, (used the water line on the oatmeal bag to add the water), 2 Tablespoons ground Flax, a smashed Banana, and Blueberries, feel free to add nuts if desired.  An Apple with an ounce of nuts, mini bag of Baby Carrots, Tuna Packets, Beef Jerky Sticks, and of course a baked good that travels well, such as my Blueberry Apple Snack Cake

4) Have a plan for when you get home, with prepped foods waiting on you so you are not making choices at the end of a hectic day, we want to avoid decision fatigue.  If your home isn't recovery ready when you walk in the door you may be in trouble.

5) Try to make a plan that you bring enough food to travel home, or if not, strive to only eat one meal out to get your fresh vegetables and protein.

6) This is a crazy one, but sooooo important to my brain.  I make sure my house is spic and span before we leave on vacation so I can walk back into order.  The very last thing you want is to walk into chaos upon entry.  Your brain will be very overwhelmed at the stimulation and will put you in a position of risk, and why would anyone do that to themselves.

7) Last one, try and plan for down time between planes or on the plane, or heaven forbid stuck on the tarmac. Download Netflix shows, bring a book have a crossword puzzle, knit, catch up on office work, or just envision what your week ahead will look like.  In other words, keep your mind busy and off the airport junk food.

8) Bonus tip~avoid the airport junk food if possible, and it helps so much if you have your own safe food with you so you won't be vulnerable to the sights and smells.  Mind your own beeswax and get straight to your gate.

Getting in your Greens on Travel Days

For full video, click on the link and see what I have to say in detail!!! 👉🏻 Getting in your Greens on Travel Day 👈🏻

     For those that know me, you know I am a freak about getting in my Greens, even on a hectic travel day, or basically when my schedule is not my own.  I usually have about a pound of fresh mixed vegetables, so it is important to me that I problem solve any situation.  So much so, that when I am traveling early morning, I throw half of it in my protein shake for breakfast, then eat the other half on the way to the airport.  It works out great, and then I have a template to meet what ever life throws my way.  If you want it bad enough you will figure it out, ...and I about you!? 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

The Connection Between Nutrition and Aging

     Did you know there are little factories inside each one of our cells?  Did you know that every bite you take is ledgered to the good or the bad.  Did you know that processed foods actually speed up cellular aging?  Did you know that single ingredient whole food slows down cellular aging and enhances cell repair.  Have I got your attention yet?  Whelp, if you want to know more, and how you can live longer, as well as live with more clarity as we age, then please click on the link to enjoy my speaking engagement for the full Segment.  Happy Aging! Click on this link to watch 👉🏻 Nutrition and Aging 👈🏻

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Safety Tips for the Grocery Store


To watch my video on Grocery Store Safety Tips, click on this link👉🏻 Grocery Store Safety Tips 👈🏻

     By now, your mother has told you to never show up to the grocery store hungry, am I right!?  There are a few more tips that I find helpful that are worth sharing!  Follow along and see if you agree, and if you have any more to share, please share them with me so I can share them with others!  Happy Shopping 🛍️ 

Tips for Grocery Store Safety~

1) Don’t go hungry.  You will be more tempted to buy processed foods because your resistance is low.

2) Make a plan ahead of time.  Plan out your menu for the week, and make a list from that.  You will be less likely to haphazardly throw things in your cart you do not need, or buy food that goes to waste.

3) Use your grocery stores app if available.  Often they sort your grocery list by aisle for you, saving time and money.  Time because it organizes your path, and money because you are not going down aisles you don’t need to be in.

4) Shop perimeter of store, you are more likely to stick to single ingredient foods.  Avoid the center aisle as much as possible, it is a land mine of cues and triggers, nothing to see here folks!

5) Shop once a week.  Making your weekly menu, it allows you to make one organized trip to the grocery store a week.  No need to put yourself in that environment more than necessary.  We call it harm reduction.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Travel Tips for Food


Watch my full video that covers all my tips by clicking on this link 👉🏻  Travel Tips for Food👈🏻

     As travel season is upon us, I think it is important to think ahead to how you want to feel upon return…or at least I sure do!  I want to feel good before I go, when I am there and when I come home.  So, in order to make this a realization, I put on my thinking cap and get to work.  Now, I will add these tips are geared towards air travel.  If going by car, it is a game changing no brainer, slap a cooler in the back and you are golden!👊🏻

1) Be organized, make a plan for each day you will be gone, as well as your traveling days there and home.

2) Pick items that travel well and are non perishable, or can withstand room temperature for the allotted time til they can be refrigerated in your vacation spot.  For example:  Unsweetened Oatmeal packets, pre made Ground Flaxseed baggies, Blueberries for several hours, Apples, pre measured nuts and more if you think someone will want to eat yours, Bananas, Baby Carrots, packets of Tuna with a tear off top, Jerky, or of course my sugar free snack cakes are the perfect choice in their individual containers,  You can’t go wrong with this one!!!😋  PS  Bonus Tip on Oatmeal Packets, after you pour out your Oats, use the paper packet to add the water, it usually has a water line on the side for measuring.

3) Make sure to drink your water.  Once I get thru security, I go straight to the Airport Gift Shop and buy a big bottled water with a FLIP TOP lid, so convenient.  Then I continue to keep it full for the entirety of the trip.

4) Save the plastic bags that you use to put your fresh produce in from the grocery store, and use those to put your food in.  It keeps the contents of your suitcase clean if anything were to break or spill, but can also function as a trash can for Banana Peels or Apple Cores, or baggies when they empty.

5) Bring enough food to eat at least two of your meals and allow one meal out for fresh Greens and Protein.

6) Make sure you have a refrigerator in your hotel, or wherever you’re staying.  

7) If you are a fanatic about getting your Greens in every day, even on a travel day, here is what I do.  I dump half my Salad in my morning Shake, and then eat the other half on the way to the Airport.  If you are still thinking about my Salad Shake, don’t worry, it’s good, and I don’t have Onions in my Salad, so there’s that.  Plus, most fresh Veggies have a sweet flavor and just think of it as getting off on a super healthy start.

8) Here is my bonus recipe for my breakfast: 1 packet unsweetened Oatmeal, add to bowl, use water line on packet to add warm water, stir in pre measured Flaxseed baggies, I use 2 Tablespoons, mash a ripe Banana in the Oats, and sprinkle with fresh Blueberries…if you need more fat and protein, add a few Nuts on top.  How does that sound?  I loved every bite, every morning.

9) Remind yourself the purpose of vacation.  Is it to eat til you are sick?  Or is it to connect with friends and loved ones!?  Skip the party in your mouth, and enjoy the party in your life.

10) Final tip!  We aim for harm reduction by choosing from good, better, best, and just focus on doing the best you can so you can return without regret, and sending your cravings into orbit!

     I hope you find these tips helpful, and if you have ideas you can share with me, I would really appreciate hearing them so I can share with others.  We are all in this together, and a rising tide lifts all ships.  We need to help one another be healthier and happier.  In good health, paige ♥️

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Roasted Thyme Vegetables


     I have a great addition to your next serving of White Fish, … or quite frankly anything else you desire. My Roasted Thyme Vegetables do not have tomatoes but your belly will never know,  it has a very interesting tangy flavor, yet sweet at the same time.  Definitely worth trying for a fun new twist on even poultry.  Each 1/3 cup is only 70 calories, 11g carbs, 3g fiber, 8g net carbs, 2g protein, and 2.3g fat.  This could even work on your next sandwich, wrap or salad.  Let your imagination be your guide, but make sure it sends you to the kitchen and get to work.😉

Ingredients for six 1/3 cup servings~

1 pound trimmed and peeled, chopped Carrots

8oz sliced Mushrooms

1 chopped Purple Onion

1 diced Red Bell Pepper

1 Tablespoon Olive Oil

Salt, as desired

1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar

1 Tablespoon fresh Thyme Leaves

Pepper, as desired

     Add Carrots, Mushrooms, Onion, and Pepper to parchment lined cookie sheet, drizzle with Oil, toss to coat, season with Salt as desired, bake at 375 for 45 minutes, stir half way thru.  Remove and cool slightly, add to heavy blender, along with Vinegar, Thyme, and Pepper, and blend to desired consistency.  Add to your Fish, Poultry, or anything else your heart desires!  Enjoy ☺️ 

Curb a Craving


     Do you ever get those pesky cravings even though you have had plenty to eat!?  Afternoons are the worst, am I right!? Whelp, I have stumbled upon a combo that you might just find helpful~a half Cosmic Crisp Apple, a smear of Tahini, with a sprinkle of Blueberries.  A touch of fat, bitter and fruit seem to hit that high note and quiet things between the ears.  All for about 100 calories.  Are you familiar with “Harm Reduction”!?  It’s a good, better, best scenario.  If we can tackle an itch in our brain that just won’t quit, then better to address it with something small if it will ward off a full blown sugar binge.  That being said, it is also useful to practice breathing exercises, journal, step outside for a few deep inhales, text a friend, a half stick of sugar free mint gum, or become expert at being comfortable with being uncomfortable.  There is some good news to learn in all of this, cravings are just thoughts, and if you can picture them as clouds floating by in the sky, you will come to realize that these too shall pass.  Our job is to do what we can to reduce the fall out.  So practice a few methods to see what speaks to your brain the loudest.  If you have tips about how you handle your cravings, please let me know so I can share them with others.  We are all in this together! 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Golden Beets


                            To see full video of the recipe click on this link 👉🏻Golden Beets 👈🏻

     Do you use Golden Beets?  I bet the answer is no, well guess what, me neither…until NOW!!!  I have shared in the past how to microwave Red Beets, but now I have tried my method on both, and it works great equally.  Follow along to see how simple this can be, and what a colorful beautiful addition to just about anything.  How can you go wrong by giving this one a try!  PS  As an added Bonus, see how I also use the Stems and Leaves.  ☺️


Golden Beets with Stems and Leaves

     Rinse Beets, Stems and Leaves, cut the stem off 1 inch above Beet, set aside.  Meanwhile, trim top and bottom off of Beet, and remove rest of skin, dice, add to microwave safe bowl, with 1/2 cup water and dash of salt.  Microwave for 8 minutes, remove and test with fork, if still firm, microwave another 3 minutes.  I used 3 Beets and needed the full 11 minutes.  Remove and cool, use as a side, or throw in a Salad.  I cleaned the Stems and Greens, sliced finely and used in a Salad with other mixed Greens, Grilled Salmon, Red and Golden Beets, a dollop of Greek Yogurt, Pumpkin Seeds and drizzle of Balsamic Vinegar.🥗

Beet Greens

     Did you know you can eat the Beet Stems and Leaves!?  Yep, it’s true.  So many sautée them, but not this girl…. I know how to use a Green, and it ain’t over heat.  Highly nutritional, riddled with vitamins, the uppers may even be better for you than the lowers, the Beet itself.  If you are suspicious of what you are reading, how bout you just give it a whirlie yourself and see if these raw sticks are the perfect addition to any Salad!?  Every bite will make you feel like you are connecting to Mother Earth 🥗


Beet Stems

Beet Greens

     Rinse Beets, as well as Stems and Leaves, cut the Stem one inch above the Beet.  Inspect to make sure all dirt is removed, if not re rinse, and slice finely, and add to any Salad you desire.  I have used the Stems and Greens for the entire Salad, or you can also just use a partial amount with other Greens.  As an example, I used all the Beet Stems and Greens to fill my bowl, then added some Rice, Avocado, Steamed Carrots, and Pumkin Seeds, along with a drizzle of Coconut Aminos.  Enjoy 😉 

Monday, April 3, 2023

Sugar Free Easter Egg Hunt


     Click on the link to watch the video version of this article, and maybe you will even get more ideas!!!  If so, share them with me and I will share them with others!!!  👉🏻Sugar Free Easter Egg Hunt👈🏻

     Do your kids always look forward to your annual Easter Egg Hunt in the backyard!?  I know I did, my kids did and now my grandkids do too.  However, now understanding the effects of sugar on the body, I have shifted the “winnings” to the healthy end of the spectrum…. How you ask, whelp let me tell you about all my fun ideas.  First off, can you say CASH!?  Everyone has a price, am I right!?…even that moody 4yo.  Sooo….

Step One~ fill your Eggs with coins, hair clips, stickers, etc.  Whatever is sugar free and can fit into your Eggs.

Step Two~ set up a Bunny Store for after the hunt where the kids can spend said coins.  Fill the store with jump ropes, coloring books, specialty crayons, chalk, kite, legos, water gun, stuffed animals, fingernail polish, lip gloss, balls, cards, games, bubbles, sugar free gum, etc.  You get the gist.

Step Three~ if your kids are too old for a hunt, make a Basket and fill it with Gas Cards, Movie Tickets, Bowling passes, Quick Trip Gift Cards, Amazon Gift Cards, Clothes, Magazines, and of course their favorite…CASH.

     There will be plenty of other opportunities for them to find sugar, just not on your watch.  Take the time to focus on activity and relationships.  Plan some yard games, or take a family walk to warm up for the “hunt”.  Whatever you can do to spin attention to connection and not highly processed food, since that will only end up inviting tummy aches…ain’t nobody got time for that.  Making new traditions can reap endless dividends, give this a try and see if anyone even notices the loss of candy.  If you bring the excitement and enthusiasm to the party, others will follow suit.  Most of all, enjoy the day and time spent together!  In good health, paige 😊

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sweet Potato Waffles

     Isn’t it exciting to play with new equipment in the kitchen.  I think so.  Whipping out my mini Waffle maker one Sunday morning, I got to work.  Sweet Potato Waffles were on the menu, and the best part is that only two ingredients required.  The macros for this entire recipe of 6 Waffles are only 315 calories, 27g carbs, 4g fiber, 23g net carbs, 16.5g protein and 14g fat.  I topped mine with plain Greek Yogurt and Berries, (macros not included for toppings).  What a perfect way to start my day, or these would travel well for a pre/post work out meal.  So simple, so fun, so good in my belly!😊

Ingredients for 6 mini Waffles~

1 Sweet Potato (I like Red Garnett)

2 extra large Eggs

     Fork your Sweet Potato several times, rinse off and clean out any bad spots, wrap in foil, rest on cookie sheet and bake in an oven at 400 degrees for an hour, when cooled, remove skin and smash pulp, add to mixing bowl along with Eggs and beat til smooth with mixer.  Drop by 1/4 cup on cooking sprayed mini Waffle maker, I cooked mine for 2 minutes each.  Top as desired, toppings not included in macros.  Enjoy🥞

Is Dairy friend or foe!?


     You can find all kinds of opinions on Dairy, it can be so confusing you might want to throw your hands in the air,… butttttt, the most important being your own opinion.  If you are all in then enjoy my short video on how I add 1/4-1/3 cup Cottage Cheese to my morning Protein Shake, and it makes it wonderfully thick, rich and delicious.  I don’t have too much Dairy in my diet, but when I do it makes a difference, and is purposeful.  So click on my link and see one option to add a little Vitamin D to your tummy….and your bones! 👉🏻 Is Dairy friend or foe!? 👈🏻

     When it comes to dairy, the research is about as clear as …well, … a glass of milk.  #seewhatididthere  You can find data to support any theory.  As well as people with all kinds of strong personal opinions.  As for me, dairy does not bother my system, but I also do not consume that much.  I am all about Yogurt, Cottage Cheese and some powdered proteins that have Whey and Casein.  Plus, Yogurt and Cottage Cheese are a great sub for things like Sour Cream, Cream Cheese, and great as a thickener in recipes.

“Dairy isn’t necessary in the diet for optimal health, but for many people, it is the easiest way to get the calcium, vitamin D, and protein they need to keep their heart, muscles, and bones healthy and functioning properly,” says Vasanti Malik, nutrition research scientist with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese, are good sources of calcium, which helps maintain bone density and reduces the risk of fractures. Adults up to age 50 need 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day. Women older than 50 and men older than 70 need 1,200 mg. (For comparison, a cup of milk has 250 mg to 350 mg of calcium, depending on the brand and whether it’s whole, low-fat, or nonfat. A typical serving of yogurt has about 187 mg of calcium.) Milk is also fortified with vitamin D, which bones need to maintain bone mass.

When it comes to overall health benefits, it seems that dairy is neither a hero nor a villain. Adding some dairy to your daily diet — a 1/3 cup Cottage Cheese in your protein shake, or a slice of cheese on a salad — can help you get some of the vital nutrients you need. “But keep in mind that eating a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of green leafy vegetables and nuts can better help you get the calcium and protein you need rather than relying too much on dairy,” says Malik.

Where do you stand on Dairy!?  Friend or Foe!?

Grocery Store Safety Tips


     To enjoy my full 2 minute video on shopping tips, click on the link below to take in a few of my tips!                                                                             

                                                       👉🏻  Grocery Store Safety Tips 👈🏻

     Do you have anxiety every time you pass thru those glass sliding doors into the treasure trove of land mines!?  The Grocery Store doesn’t have to be a painful experience.  With a little careful planning and awareness, you can make the aisles and aisles of food a non triggering event.

1) If necessary, order your groceries online and avoid all temptation.  If you choose option one, you can stop reading here!  😹

2) Have a PLAN!!!  Never never never show up with out a list.  This is not the time to make food decisions.

3) Make a weeklong menu at home beforehand, and organize your list to cover all your ingredients, so you are only going once a week.  Being organized keeps me very safe in my recovery, I minimize my exposure by being on top of things.

4) Protect your eye gate.  Keep your vision on the things that matter most, don’t look around at all the entrappings.

5) Avoid aisles that don’t host your food.  No need for packaged processed chips, crackers, cookies, cereal, or candy.  You get the gist.

6) Try to stick to the perimeter where fresh produce and protein are housed.

7) Don’t go hungry.  When on shaky ground, we don’t have as much access to our frontal lobe where our logic center, breaking system and consequences are lodged.

8) Pay attention to food labels.  If you are looking at a packaged product with a list of 20 ingredients that you can not pronounce or use in a sentence…put it back.

9) Attempt to stick to single ingredient foods that don’t have labels.  Foods that look like they did when they came to this earth, where labels are unnecessary, are the most nutritious and what we want to fill our cart with.  We eat for nutrition not for entertainment.

10) Don’t dilly dally…you are there on a mission.  Do as Zorro did…get in, make your “Z” and get out.  If you hurry, maybe you will have time to take a walk when you get home. 🚶‍♀️

The Benefits of Exercise


     Check out my short video explaining all the most important attributes of exercise, click on the link below to take you directly to my You Tube video~🏀⚽️⚾️🏈🎾
                                                              👉🏻  The Benefits of Exercise 👈🏻

     I have always been an exerciser, from my earliest memory, I was a kid on the move.  As I’ve gotten older it has been a priority because I understand the importance of the connection between activity and aging.  Let’s just say I am not going down without a fight.💪🏻  I try to do something different 5 days a week, I used to run every day for decades which eventually led to injuries, and I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was bored.  So mixing it up has increased compliance, reduced risk of injury, and increased my connection to others.  BTW, if you can find a friend, that is also a little trick to sticking to the program!👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼

Why we exercise:

1) We feel happier, we exercise for how we feel after.  As we exercise, we are promised an increase in endorphins, which help produce positive feeling, and reduce feeling of anxiety and depression.

2) Exercise helps with weight control by increasing your metabolism, thus burning more calories thru out the day.  Also, it helps maintain muscle mass as we age, crucial in aging well.

3) Physical activity not only helps with our muscles, but it helps to maintain strong bones, it helps to prevent osteoporosis.

4) Exercise increases energy.  You would think it would work to the opposite, but not true.  The more active we are the more energy we have.

5) Exercise can reduce the risk of chronic disease.  Regular exercise has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, heart health and body composition.  It can also help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

6) Exercise can help with skin health.  Moderate exercise can provide antioxidant protection and promote blood flow, which can protect your skin and delay signs of aging.

7) Exercising can help your brain health and memory.  Regular exercise improves blood flow to the brain and thus helps brain health and memory.  Among older adults, it can help protect mental function.

8) Exercise can help with relaxation and sleep quality.  Regular physical activity, regardless of whether it is aerobic or a combination of aerobic and resistance training, can help you sleep better and feel more energized during the day.  (I also find a nice 20 minute nap during the day helps tremendously)

9) Exercise can reduce pain.  Exercise has favorable effects on the pain associated with various conditions.    It can also increase pain tolerance.

10). Exercise can promote physical intimacy.  Engaging in regular exercise can strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation, tone muscles, and enhance flexibility.  All of which can improve your sex life.