Watch my full video that covers all my tips by clicking on this link 👉🏻
Travel Tips for Food👈🏻
As travel season is upon us, I think it is important to think ahead to how you want to feel upon return…or at least I sure do! I want to feel good before I go, when I am there and when I come home. So, in order to make this a realization, I put on my thinking cap and get to work. Now, I will add these tips are geared towards air travel. If going by car, it is a game changing no brainer, slap a cooler in the back and you are golden!👊🏻
1) Be organized, make a plan for each day you will be gone, as well as your traveling days there and home.
2) Pick items that travel well and are non perishable, or can withstand room temperature for the allotted time til they can be refrigerated in your vacation spot. For example: Unsweetened Oatmeal packets, pre made Ground Flaxseed baggies, Blueberries for several hours, Apples, pre measured nuts and more if you think someone will want to eat yours, Bananas, Baby Carrots, packets of Tuna with a tear off top, Jerky, or of course my sugar free snack cakes are the perfect choice in their individual containers, You can’t go wrong with this one!!!😋 PS Bonus Tip on Oatmeal Packets, after you pour out your Oats, use the paper packet to add the water, it usually has a water line on the side for measuring.
3) Make sure to drink your water. Once I get thru security, I go straight to the Airport Gift Shop and buy a big bottled water with a FLIP TOP lid, so convenient. Then I continue to keep it full for the entirety of the trip.
4) Save the plastic bags that you use to put your fresh produce in from the grocery store, and use those to put your food in. It keeps the contents of your suitcase clean if anything were to break or spill, but can also function as a trash can for Banana Peels or Apple Cores, or baggies when they empty.
5) Bring enough food to eat at least two of your meals and allow one meal out for fresh Greens and Protein.
6) Make sure you have a refrigerator in your hotel, or wherever you’re staying.
7) If you are a fanatic about getting your Greens in every day, even on a travel day, here is what I do. I dump half my Salad in my morning Shake, and then eat the other half on the way to the Airport. If you are still thinking about my Salad Shake, don’t worry, it’s good, and I don’t have Onions in my Salad, so there’s that. Plus, most fresh Veggies have a sweet flavor and just think of it as getting off on a super healthy start.
8) Here is my bonus recipe for my breakfast: 1 packet unsweetened Oatmeal, add to bowl, use water line on packet to add warm water, stir in pre measured Flaxseed baggies, I use 2 Tablespoons, mash a ripe Banana in the Oats, and sprinkle with fresh Blueberries…if you need more fat and protein, add a few Nuts on top. How does that sound? I loved every bite, every morning.
9) Remind yourself the purpose of vacation. Is it to eat til you are sick? Or is it to connect with friends and loved ones!? Skip the party in your mouth, and enjoy the party in your life.
10) Final tip! We aim for harm reduction by choosing from good, better, best, and just focus on doing the best you can so you can return without regret, and sending your cravings into orbit!
I hope you find these tips helpful, and if you have ideas you can share with me, I would really appreciate hearing them so I can share with others. We are all in this together, and a rising tide lifts all ships. We need to help one another be healthier and happier. In good health, paige ♥️