Thursday, September 27, 2018

Keto Egg Fast

     Have you heard all the fuss over this Keto Egg Fast Diet!?  It's 3-5 days where you eat a minimum of 6 Eggs, and you have to eat 1 Tablespoon of fat per Egg, and an optional ounce of Cheese per Egg as well.  Take a look at Pinterest for all the exact nitty gritty rules, if you have questions, but that's basically the premise.  So the Hubs and I decided to try it for fun.  After 5 days he lost 6 pounds and I lost 2.8 pounds...and he cheated...and I did not.  They might need to change this to the Keto Divorce Diet...just face it ladies, men have an easier time losing weight than we do!  :/ addition to the basic scrambled, fried, boiled with Mayo, Butter or Oil, I came up with a few other recipes to add variety to make it five days of fun vs torture.  I never repeated a meal in a day, and I would say overall it was a pleasant experience.  One big note is to transition in over the next week only add back in ONE #keto meal per day as you work back into your regular regime.  Otherwise, it will all come right back.  And, let's face it, half likely will since I'm sure a large percentage is water weight.  But hey, it was a fun challenge, and I good way to get the scale moving again or break a plateau.  Below you will find a few of my meals I enjoyed, and some will remain on my daily menu.  Enjoy  :)